On Saturday Feb. 27, at 10'45 h., At the cultural center "Jail" in Totana, the State Platform Against Pollution electromagnetically Murcia (PECCEM-RM), an act that are invited will be presented across society and administrative authorities This regional platform different objectives:
1. Educate the public about the health effects of electromagnetic pollution people (mobile phone antennas, wireless networks, power lines, transformers, digital counters, etc.).
2. Report the lack of implementation in our region of the recommendations of Resolution 1815 (2011) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effects on the environment and health of people.
3. Defender in the education, health and public services, the implementation of Internet connections or fiber optic cable, known as the only safe alternative to WiFi and other wireless technologies, especially in the stages of education areas, as recommended by the Council of Europe and other international organizations and scientific reports.
4. Encourage our actions legislative and regulatory changes necessary to allow the possibility of having a healthy environment, supports the development of technologies and ensure the implementation of the precautionary principle enshrined in the General Public Health Law 33/201.
5. To work for the recognition of electrohipersensibilidad (EHS) as a new disease (functional disability) linked to the chaotic and massive infrastructure and wireless systems deployment disease growing alarmingly.
The Platform brings together organizations and citizen groups as:
Federation of Neighborhood Associations Interbarrios of Molina de Segura.
Ecologists in Action Murcia Region.
Working Group Zone 2 Citizen Participation of Molina de Segura.
Association of Parents of Students of Our Lady of Sorrows (AMPA NSD) College Eagles.
Platform for Health and Electromagnetic Pollution Barrio "García Lorca" from Yecla.
Collective sensitized and affected Towers Cotillas people.
Group of people Electrosensitive Espinardo.
Electro Chemical Sensitive and for the Right to Health (EQSDS).