The new Mayor-headman of the deputation of Morti, María José Romero García, yesterday took possession of his office for the term 2015/2019 in a ceremony held at City Hall, attended by members of the municipal government.
Romero was the only representative chosen by the residents of his district that could not take possession, for personal reasons, on 18 December at the official ceremony held in the plenary hall and on that started out so official seven mayors-pedáneos remaining.
This ceremony was also attended by the first deputy mayor, Andrés García Cánovas, and the Councillor for Citizen Participation, Agustin Gonzalo Martinez, and other members of the municipal government team.
The mayors-pedáneos in this term are Paqui Pérez Caballero (The Paretón-Cantareros), Salvador Murcia (La Sierra), Ana Maria Garcia (El Raiguero), Rosa Tudela Canovas (Viñas-Carivete), Mari Carmen Tapia Gómez (La Huerta) Concepcion Blázquez (Lébor), Esperanza Martinez Meseguer (the Coast) and the newly built Maria José Romero (Morti).
With this act and complete the process of election or ratification of all eight neighborhood councils representatives of the municipality of Totana, just as advertised and had committed representatives who make up the current municipal government team.
In some cases, the village headman were chosen by election in the event that two or more candidates are presented;
while others were ratified by neighbors telling in both cases with significant local participation.
In this term, repeated four mayors-pedáneas in office: in this case, Vinas-Carivete, La Huerta, Lebor and Coast;
while new in office neighborhood representatives of the Paretón-Cantareros, El Raiguero, La Sierra and Morti.
The mayor expressed his satisfaction with the fact that he had completed the process of citizen participation, and recalled that it was a fulfillment of the municipal government with citizens responding to their election pledges to do so in a participatory manner.
It also wished him the best of luck to the new headman Morti because yours will also be the citizens of his district administered.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana