The departments of Police and Environment of the City of Totana remember not pick up after pets in the street can get to involve administrative penalties of up to 750 euros.
Totana Town Council plans to promote public awareness actions aimed at informing the public of the need to clean up after pets in the streets, parks and gardens in Totana, thus avoiding the inconvenience generated neighbors and users in general .
The initiative aims to address the civil unrest representing leave droppings in the street, because a high percentage of complaints that citizens come before the City Council represents the cleanliness of public spaces dog poop.
This campaign will allow the distribution of posters in veterinary clinics, residents busiest areas, schools and other public spaces.
This problem is widespread throughout the village, although it is worse in certain areas normally used for the usual walk of pedestrians;
and it is usually caused by dogs that their owners left free by the town to go and relieve animal owners who do not pick the droppings when take a walk.
According to sources in both municipal departments, this attitude is "unacceptable" because it creates a bad image and discomfort for the rest of the neighbors;
so they appealed to the responsibility and awareness of pet owners to have a civic and respect for others and the urban environment behavior.
Totana account in different parts of the inner city, with paper-containers adapted for owners of dogs droppings deposited their pets and can do so at any of the existing paper mills, which have previously collected in plastic bags
This, along with a bad image and become a permanent complaint cleaning problems constitute a risk to the health of people;
so special emphasis on not letting the animals to their needs in beds and play areas of parks and gardens which are then used by children and may aggravate the problem of public health.
The departments are grateful for his part, dog owners walking their pets gesture pick up after the street and advocate awareness for those who do not routinely perform this habit of civility, respect and solidarity with the rest of neighbors.
The ordinance on the protection and ownership of pets establishes penalties for minor offenses, ranging from 30 to 300 euros;
and other higher in the case of repeat cases that can be considered serious offenses and reach up to 6,000 euros.
Similarly, the legislation considered minor offense possession of animals in places and spaces in which they can be exercised over them necessary supervision and also punishable by a fine of 30 to 300 euros.
This fact and sanction campaign will be supported by several patrol officers of the local police on foot and monitor inform the neighbors and users of this in order to avoid unsafe situations.
It is recalled that there is a service to control stray animals or homeless on the street so they can be removed, and that the animals must be restrained by belt or chain, and potentially dangerous muzzled.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana