"The fights within the PP, encouraged by the attitude of the Mayor, are sinking the credibility of an exhausted government, which has ruined the people of Totana, say from IU
IU Coordinator in Totana and councilor of the training at City Hall, Juan José Cánovas, has demanded that the regional PP to take urgent action "to the embarrassing spectacle of mayors of the Popular Party in Parliament last Thursday's regular and can not bridged, as stated in the press yesterday, Pedro Antonio Sánchez, as "an internal problem". "
"Clash of the council of the government team, shows that had been assuring him for months by the mayors of IU + Greens, saying the maneuvers Martínez Andreo and their environment to control the party has led to a confrontation fratricidal which significantly affects the City and people of Totana ... "said Juan Jose Canovas.
"Martínez Andreo, not according to ruin the municipal coffers, has encouraged an internal conflict of his Government to do to lose credibility, when they care more for power for working and managing an institution whose prestige and name are throwing on the floor" , say from IU.
The councilors of the formation of the Left, remember that "the 13 council members of the PP, if agreed in plenary to abort efforts to IU and not answer questions from the aldermen of the Left on the status of Conventions Urban The fate of the money raised, the plight of workers overall and the company's home help, and the paralysis of important works, such as the roundabout at the Kabuki on the Rambla de la Santa. "
"Before you become embroiled with his fists, the 13 mayors of the PP, voted against the plenary discussion on the state of the garbage collection company, so as not to double spending on the purchase of an ambulance or an IU initiative José Saramago honor ... "highlights from the Coalition.
For the Group UI + City Greens, "is when major agreements and debates on the future of Totana.
"Anyone who promotes the fighting, manages and encourages harmful fights in the institution is discredited to govern a people who deserve these rulers ..." statement from IU.
Source: IU+LV Totana. Foto: Totana.com