On Saturday June 19 Pallets JC Athletic Club put an end to a new edition, the fifth, Racing Circuit, which, since it began in the month of January, have been involved over a hundred athletes, many of them come from Lorca, Cartagena, and Murcia Alhama.
By the end of the circuit, the last race was the race calendar for the Boquera, fully tested level of almost 11 miles in which about forty athletes took part.
The race started a little after 19:30 h, neutralized the traditional segment, where the participants came from the Polideportivo Municipal "December 6" toward the area Boquera point which turned out to race itself, with the goal at the athletics track of Sports.
After this race is decided by the podiums of the different classifications of V Circuit.
Thus, after just over an hour of the race, the first athlete to reach the target was a member of JC Pallets Mkik Abderrahim, followed by the athlete also Pallets Mohammed Boumedieve JC.
After the test, at 22h was held at a local restaurant called the Club's Annual Dinner, during which he presented the trophies racing V circuit and the Trotacaminos 2010, which rewarded the five partners club competition more miles have accumulated since January.
Regarding the overall circuit V the winner was the athlete Lucas García Lorca Eliocroca Reverte, followed by the athlete of Fulgencio Pallets JC Gallardo Garro.
In third place was the club athlete also totanero Eusebio Martinez Mengual, followed by the athlete Eliocroca Mateo Juan Francisco Giner, closing the podium athlete Juanfra JC Martínez Moreno Pallets.
Regarding the Senior category, the top two positions remained in the club totanero with Pedro Manuel Antonio Redondo and Antonio Martínez López, followed by the athlete Eliocroca Juan Miguel Sanchez Romera.
Veterans in category podium totanero club was full, the first Simon Vidal Ortega, followed by Fernando Sánchez García Sáez Mill and Pepe.
Since the club is to acknowledge the support of sponsors and Pottery Bellón for your cooperation.
Regarding the Trotacaminos IV, first place went to Pedro José Sánchez Mateo, who accumulated 593 miles, followed by Fulgencio Garcia, with 567 miles.
The third place went to Salvador Andreo, with 430 kilometers, followed by Eusebio Martinez with 428 miles and Juanfra Martinez with 424.
So the club put an end to the season of depth, starting the summer in which the most important event will be on 21 August with the tenth anniversary of the Great Pond career Grand Prize Panzamelba ", which Registrations are now open.
Source: Club Atletismo Totana