Socialist spokesman Juan Fco Otálora, said "the popular indignation is before the brutal rise in the water bill, as it has been now that the neighbors have seen in all its harshness."
"We can not allow the mayor we have driven a 35% rise in essential consumer goods and that has been done in full crisis, to satisfy the greed of the concessionaire to beat him 6 million euros to keep plugging holes "said too.
He has also denounced "the vagaries and contradictions in relation to solar Cabecico where after announcing over and over again that they would build up to 150 homes for young people, in the last budget approved the sale of land to make fast cash which to cover current expenditures. "
Otálora says that "in addition to being an illegal measure, which are awaiting the report of the municipal secretary, incurs in serious contradictions, because they want to sell to a developer to make homes, when the popular spokesman says Proinvitosa does not make because there is demand. "
The Socialist leader said that "the real economic ruin city, they will now add applications from conveniant for the council will return the money advanced on account of urban development and Andrea Morales would be allowed and that after seven years of beating around the bush, still parked and no sign that they will be out in the coming years. "
He has also said that "when we have quantified the debt socialist council we have always had the money to be returned, because the PP mayors have failed to meet the commitments of the council and now it will not but ruin and complication municipal accounts. "
Otálora has submitted a proposal that the Socialists will take the regular plenary session next week and that is to avoid interruptions in water supply to the plight of the unemployed who may be suffering some families.
He said that "we believe the company should establish a moratorium on the payment of water bill for the duration of the unemployed and flexible mechanisms are needed in the management of the collection that do not involve the immediate and full payment receipts when neighbors are in this situation. "
He concluded by stating that "this situation of chaos extreme socialists want to bring sanity and practical proposals to the plenary, coherent, and to resolve situations and problems for neighbors.
Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: