Classroom Students Totana Occupational recently participated in a workshop entitled "Workshop on employability: my professional interests" held by the technique of the Local Employment Centre de Totana, María José Sánchez García, in order to acquire the necessary knowledge to choose a future profession.
During this training activity, young people could work on different aspects such as the steps to choose a profession, professional interests, different work activities in which they can frame the interests of young people coping skills job search business demands and difficulties of young people in gaining a job.
Could also learn about what they can offer the company, the employment situation in Totana and finally, the resources they can rely on youth for job search.
This activity, which was of great interest to both students and teachers, is part of the program of complementary activities from the Municipal Service Truancy is developed with students.
Occupational Classroom is a compensatory education program that develops in the municipality in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Training and Employment and is funded by the European Social Fund in order to prevent absenteeism and early dropout from school .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana