| Work is being done to award the tender for the interior cleaning service to end non-compliance and non-payment salary to female workers by the current contractor | The Board of Spokespersons met last Monday, January 16, in order to address some important matters of municipal management, among which the budget for 2021 was debated, with the municipal auditor providing documentation to the spokespersons of the municipal groups, with the aim of taking the mayoral proposal to the plenary session in February, with the contributions of municipal groups. In this body, in addition, the councilor for Urbanism, Pedanías and Roads, Pedro José Sánchez Pérez, presented the details of the new exposition of the Municipal Roads Ordinance to the different municipal spokespersons. The technician of the Municipal Water Service also realized the investments and objectives to improve hydraulic performance for 2021. In this sense, work is expected to be undertaken to optimize the service, by sector, with the aim of reaching 80%, starting with the La Ñorica area, with the guarantees that it is profitable and that its municipal public management is guaranteed. These investments would be within the framework of a broader context of investments in the networks of the urban area and the districts, taking into account the technical contributions of the Mancomunidad de Canales del Taibilla with the new siphon to Mazarrón and the works to provide the service of Drinking water in La Santa through the tank that Aledo will supply, possibly before next summer. In addition, the investments of European fund projects for the reactivation of Next CARM were addressed; and he became aware of the proposals for works presented by the municipal government and the municipal groups of the PSOE and the PP, some of them coinciding. The intention is to have a meeting in the coming weeks to define the projects to be developed and present them to the Autonomous Community to have access to European funds, as explained by the mayor, Juan José Cánovas. The representatives of the Totana City Council in the Fire Extinction Consortium were also discussed, since the Plenary Assembly agreed at the beginning of the legislature to two opposition councilors who are not currently corporate (Andrés García Cánovas and María Dolores García). On the other hand, outside the agenda, the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic in the municipality of Totana was reported, with statistical data that places it in third place by the queue in terms of infections; and it was agreed to convene a Local COVID-19 Monitoring Commission, while reporting the worrying situation that is expected in the coming weeks in Health Area III of Lorca. Similarly, the spokespersons were informed of the news regarding the General Municipal Urban Planning Plan, such as the works contracted for the study of flooding; as well as the meeting to be held this Wednesday by the Councilor for Urban Planning and municipal technicians in the General Directorate of the Territory to advance the development of the document. Likewise, it became aware of a future performance in the Municipal Cemetery "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" through expansion works of the front part of the cemetery; and it was reported the labor dispute that the awardee of the interior cleaning service is starring for the accumulated defaults to the workers of salary demands despite the fulfillment of payments by the Totanero Consistory. In this regard, it was reported on the sanctions imposed on the company for wage breaches and it was explained that in the coming weeks the award of the tender in process of the new service to another successful bidder is pending, in order to solve this problem that is coming dragging and whose responsibility is alien to the municipal government.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana