Totaneros:We continue working for and for the people.
We present an amendment to the entire motion presented by the Mayor's Office for the modification of the ordinance corresponding to the opening hours of the hospitality terraces.
It is already becoming customary for the government team to try to modify things without counting on the affected sectors.
That cannot be the attitude of our leaders; there must be consensus as far as possible on the part of all in the changes that affect the neighbors, sectors or groups of any kind.The amendment reads like this:"AMENDMENT TO THE TOTALITY OF THE CIVIL PLATFORM“ AHORA TOTANA ”, A COMPONENT OF THE TOTANA MIXED MUNICIPAL GROUP, TO THE MOTION PRESENTED BY THE MAYOR AMENDMENT OF THE ORDINANCE OF TERRACES OF HOSPITALITY.In accordance with the provisions of the Regulations for the Organization, Operation and Legal Regime of Local Entities, the Civil Platform "Now Totana" of the Municipal Mixed Group of the Totana City Council wishes to submit the following Motion for consideration by the Plenary.For all the above, the Mixed Municipal Group, presents to the Plenary of the Corporation for approval, if applicable, the following proposed resolutions:Once the Proposal and the Secretariat Report on the matter had been studied, and once the arguments that were presented to us in the corresponding Information Commission had been heard, which seemed logical to us, and for this reason we voted in favor of proposing this modification of said ordinance .Notwithstanding the foregoing, we have contacted the two Totana Hospitality Associations, and both indicate that they have been taken into account for this modification.In addition, we have realized that the information provided to us in the information commission is not correct, since we were informed that the current ordinance indicates that the opening of the hotel terraces is at 11 o'clock, incorrect data, since what it indicates the ordinance is open from Monday to Friday at 8 am.
and Saturdays and Sundays at 9 a.m.
A time that we consider appropriate to combine it with the rest of the population.Attached is current ordinance court.Article 5.1.- The starting time for the operation of the terraces will be:Monday to Thursday: 08.00 a.m.Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: at 09:00.Totana Town HallMixed Municipal GroupOF THE CIVIL PLATFORM "NOW TOTANA",OF THIS CITY COUNCIL OFTO FORMUNICIPAL DENANCE REGULATING THEOSTELERIA IN THE PUBLIC ROAD ”.STATEMENT OF MOTIVESiormente The Civil Platform “Now TotanaTotanaproposed agreements:this reason we vote in favorindicate that their or11.00 h.
in the morning, incorrect data, already09:00 h.
Hours that we consider appropriate forpopulation.
Attached court ordinanceSection 5.- Hours of operation of the terracesterrace activity be.
Monday to Thursday: 08.00 a.m.Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: at 09:00.It is strange to say the least that this information has gone unnoticed by the Secretary in his report on the matter, since he was present when the inaccurate information was provided.De la conversación mantenida con las asociaciones de hostelería de la localidad lo que se desprende es su deseo de que se realice una Ordenanza nueva que regule las terrazas de hostelería, y que para su elaboración se cuente con su opinión al respecto como principales afectados que son.Por todo lo anteriormente expuesto, La Plataforma Civil “Ahora Totana” integrante del Grupo Municipal Mixto, presenta al Pleno de la Corporación de Totana para debate y aprobación, si procede, la siguiente propuesta de acuerdos:PRIMERO: Que se deje sin efecto la moción objeto de esta enmienda y que se adopte el acuerdo de convocar a las Asociaciones de Hostelería de la localidad para comenzar la elaboración de una nueva ordenanza."
Source: Ahora Totana -Plataforma Civil-