| What can be done in phase 3 of de-escalation? | The Region of Murcia enters today Monday, June 8, in phase 3 of de-escalation, including the municipality of Totana; as announced last Friday by the Ministry of Health after evaluating the requests made by most of the autonomous communities.On this occasion, Health has authorized the phase advance to all the autonomies that had requested it, a total of ten communities -among which is the Region of Murcia- and the autonomous city of Melilla.The Region of Murcia requested last Monday that for phase 3 the central government establish some restriction measures such as limiting outdoor activities to one hundred people and 50 in activities carried out in closed premises, as well as requiring transport companies public and business that travel tickets are nominative in the name of the user in order to identify users in the event of having to track possible contacts if contagion is registered.The mayor, Juan José Cánovas, has been convinced that the municipality of Totana is entering phase 3 of the de-escalation from today "with enthusiasm, with hope, but also with prudence", because "we are finally seeing the result to so much effort and sacrifice, "he explained."During the last three months, society as a whole totanera has been doing a 'good way' behaving, in its vast majority, exceptionally," stressed the mayor.
And everything, "with hope, because if we continue with the same responsibility that Totana has demonstrated so far, the de-escalation process will continue to advance, and that is that throughout the state of alarm we have been one of the localities with the lowest incidence of the coronavirus in the entire Region, despite the regrowth that forced us to remain a few days on guard ", has affected. WHAT CAN BE DONE IN PHASE 3 OF DESCALADA?Social measures- Groups of a maximum of 20 people are allowed.- The displacement to another part of the national territory may only be carried out for health, work, professional or business reasons, return to the place of family residence, assistance and care of the elderly, dependents or persons with disabilities, force majeure or situation of need.- There will be no time slots for any group.Masses, weddings and burials- Attendance at places of worship will be allowed as long as it does not exceed 75% of the capacity.
The safety distance will be maintained and, in any case, a maximum of 150 people in outdoor spaces or 75 people in closed spaces.- The nuptial ceremonies may be carried out in all types of facilities, whether in open or closed spaces, provided that they do not exceed 75% of their capacity, and in any case a maximum of 150 people in open spaces or 75 people in closed places.- The wake may be held with a maximum limit of 50 people in open spaces or 25 people in closed spaces, regardless of whether they are cohabiting.Bars, restaurants and hotels- It can be consumed again inside bars and restaurants, whose outdoor terraces will increase its capacity to 75%.
Consumption in the bar will be allowed, provided that a minimum separation of two meters is guaranteed.- Self-service products such as napkin rings, toothpicks, cruets, oil cans, and other similar utensils will disappear from the tables, prioritizing single-dose disposable or their service in other formats upon customer request.- The common areas in hotels and tourist accommodation are also open to 50%.- Hotel and restaurant establishments may be opened to the public for consumption on the premises, provided that they do not exceed fifty percent of their capacity and the conditions set forth in this chapter are met.- They may open nightclub and nightclub bars as long as they do not exceed a third of their capacity.
In any case, the open-air terraces of these establishments may be opened to the public under the same conditions.- The dance floors or the like may be used to install tables or groupings of tables, and this space cannot be dedicated to its usual use.Stores and shopping centers- Reopening of retail stores at 50% regardless of their surface.- They will also open the common and recreational areas of shopping malls to 40% and stores to 50%.Cultural and sports activities- The bulls return in all phases.
The squares, venues and outdoor bullfighting facilities, whose activity had been suspended after the declaration of the state of alarm, may resume it, provided they have pre-assigned seats and do not exceed a third of the authorized capacity, and in all case, a maximum of four hundred people.
Those materials that are supplied to users during the development of the activity and that are shared use must be disinfected after each use.
In the event that the bullfighting venues and facilities provide hotel and restaurant services, they must comply with the general rules established for these establishments.- Cultural activities can be done in libraries and museums.- All the cinemas, theaters, auditoriums, circuses and show spaces may carry out their activity, if they have pre-assigned seats and do not exceed half the authorized capacity in each room.- The groups are expanded to 30 people to do active tourism activities and the guide will be allowed, in groups of maximum 20 people, but audio guides and brochures will not be allowed.- Congresses may be held with a limit of 80 attendees.- Sports competitions return.- Pools and sports centers can be used throughout Spain at 30% of their capacity, even in areas that are still in phase 1.Leisure and free time- In outdoor activities, the public must remain seated, keeping the necessary distance and may not exceed a third of the authorized capacity, or gather more than four hundred people.- También se permite la realización de actividades de tiempo libre dirigidas a la población infantil y juvenil, con un máximo de 200 personas en espacios abiertos y 80 en interiores.- Los zoológicos y acuarios vuelven a abrir al 50% de su aforo.- Casinos, salones de juego y recreativos, rifas, tómbolas, locales de apuestas vuelven a abrir siempre que no se supere el 50% del aforo permitido y se tendrá que garantizar la higienización, cada dos horas, de las fichas de casino y de las cartas de juego.Transporte público y privado- En el transporte público regular, discrecional y privado complementario de viajeros en autobús, así como en los transportes ferroviarios, en los que todos los ocupantes deban ir sentados, se podrán usar la totalidad de los asientos.
Cuando el nivel de ocupación lo permita, se procurará la máxima separación entre los usuarios.- En los transportes públicos colectivos de viajeros de ámbito urbano y periurbano, en los que existan plataformas habilitadas para el transporte de viajeros de pie, podrán ocuparse la totalidad de las plazas sentadas, y se mantendrá una referencia de ocupación de dos usuarios por cada metro cuadrado en la zona habilitada para viajar de pie, debiendo procurarse, en todo caso, la mayor separación entre los pasajeros.- En los transportes públicos de viajeros en vehículos de hasta nueve plazas, incluido el conductor, podrán desplazarse dos personas por cada fila adicional de asientos respecto de la del conductor, debiendo garantizarse, en todo caso, la distancia máxima posible entre sus ocupantes.
En caso de que todos los usuarios convivan en el mismo domicilio, podrán ir tres personas por cada fila adicional de asientos respecto de la del conductor.- En los transportes privados particulares y privados complementarios de personas en vehículos de hasta nueve plazas, incluido el conductor, podrán viajar tantas personas como plazas tenga el vehículo, siempre que todas residan en el mismo domicilio.- En los transportes privados particulares y privados complementarios de personas en vehículos de hasta nueve plazas, incluido el conductor, cuando no todas convivan en el mismo domicilio, podrán desplazarse dos personas por cada fila de asientos, siempre que respeten la máxima distancia posible entre los ocupantes.- En las motocicletas, ciclomotores y vehículos categoría L, en general, que estén provistos con dos plazas homologadas (conductor y pasajero) podrán viajar dos personas.
El uso de guantes será obligatorio por parte del pasajero y también por parte del conductor en el caso de motocicletas y ciclomotores destinados al uso compartido.
A estos efectos, serán admitidos los guantes de protección de motoristas.- En los vehículos en los que, por sus características técnicas, únicamente se disponga de una fila de asientos, como en el supuesto de cabinas de vehículos pesados, furgonetas, u otros, podrán viajar como máximo dos personas, siempre que guarden la máxima distancia posible.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana