| The BOE publishes today an order that modifies the one published yesterday and leaves Totana in phase 1, as requested by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia | Order SND / 442/2020, of May 23, amending Order SND / 399/2020, of May 9, for the relaxation of certain restrictions of national scope, established after the declaration of the state of alarm in application of phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality and Order SND / 414/2020, of May 16, for the relaxation of certain national restrictions established after the declaration of the state of alarm in application of phase 2 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality.As a consequence of the public health emergency situation caused by COVID-19, nationally and internationally, the Government, under the provisions of article 4, sections b) and d), of Organic Law 4/1981, of June 1, of the states of alarm, exception and siege, declared, by Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, the state of alarm throughout the national territory in order to face the health crisis, which It has been extended on five occasions, the last one through Royal Decree 537/2020, of May 22, until 00:00 on June 7, 2020, in the terms expressed in said regulation.Article 4.2.d) of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, determines that, for the exercise of the functions provided for therein and under the highest direction of the President of the Government, the Minister of Health will have the status of authority competent delegate.Specifically, in accordance with the provisions of article 4.3 of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, the Minister of Health is empowered to issue orders, resolutions, provisions and interpretive instructions that, within its scope of action as delegated authority, are necessary to guarantee the provision of all services, ordinary or extraordinary, in order to protect people, goods and places, by adopting any of the measures provided for in article 11e of Organic Law 4/1981, June 1.Additionally, in accordance with article 6 of Royal Decree 537/2020, of May 22, which extends the state of alarm, the Minister of Health is designated as the only competent authority in the period corresponding to the new extension.At the present time, Spain has begun a process of gradual reduction of the extraordinary measures to restrict mobility and social contact established by the aforementioned Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14.
Thus, on April 28, 2020, the Council of Ministers adopted the Plan for the transition to a new normality that establishes the main parameters and instruments for achieving normality.
This process, divided into four phases, phase 0 to phase 3, must be gradual and adaptable to the necessary changes in orientation depending on the evolution of epidemiological data and the impact of the measures adopted.The fundamental objective of the aforementioned Plan for the transition is to ensure that, while preserving public health, daily life and economic activity are gradually recovered, minimizing the risk that the epidemic represents to the health of the population and preventing the capacities of the National System of Health can overflow.In this context, Order SND / 399/2020, of May 9, has been approved, among others, for the relaxation of certain national restrictions, established after the declaration of the state of alarm in application of phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality and Order SND / 414/2020, of May 16, for the relaxation of certain national restrictions established after the declaration of the state of alarm in application of phase 2 of the Plan for the transition to a new normal.Order SND / 414/2020, of May 16, is applicable to the territorial units listed in the annex, among which is the entire province of Murcia, as of the modification operated by Order SND / 440 / 2020, of May 23, which modifies various orders for better management of the health crisis caused by COVID-19 in application of the Plan for the transition to a new normality.The fourth additional provision of Order SND / 414/2020, of May 16, provides that The Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia must request the Ministry of Health the partial or total suspension of the application of this order to the Municipality of Totana when consider that there is a situation of risk for the population or when there is a sustained growth in the number of cases of COVID-19.On May 23, the Region of Murcia has requested the Ministry of Health, based on the first of the cases, the total suspension of the Order for the municipality of Totana and its maintenance in phase 1 until checking how the epidemiological situation evolves.In view of the above, this Order modifies Order SND / 414/2020, of May 16 to exclude the municipality of Totana from its scope, as well as Order SND / 399/2020, of May 9 to include said municipality in its scope.By virtue, I have:First article.
Modification of Order SND / 399/2020, of May 9, for the relaxation of certain national restrictions, established after the declaration of the state of alarm in application of phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality.Order SND / 399/2020, of May 9, for the relaxation of certain national restrictions, established after the declaration of the state of alarm in application of phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality, is amended from the following way:One.
The annex is modified, which is drawn up in the following terms:"ANNEXEDTerritorial units1.
In the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, the provinces of Granada and Malaga.7.
In the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León, the provinces of Ávila, Burgos, León, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid and Zamora.8.
In the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha, the provinces of Toledo, Albacete and Ciudad Real.9.
In the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, the health regions of Girona, Lleida, Central Catalonia and Barcelona (Metropolità Nord, Metropolità Sud and Barcelona city).10.
In the Valencian Community, the provinces of Castellón / Castelló, Valencia / València, and Alicante / Alacant.13.
In the Region of Murcia, the municipality of Totana.19.
In the Community of Madrid, the province of Madrid.
"Second article.
Modification of Order SN / 414/2020, of May 16, for the relaxation of certain national restrictions established after the declaration of the state of alarm in application of phase 2 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality.Se introducen las siguientes modificaciones en la Orden SND/414/2020, de 16 de mayo, para la flexibilización de determinadas restricciones de ámbito nacional establecidas tras la declaración del estado de alarma en aplicación de la fase 2 del Plan para la transición hacia una nueva normalidad:Uno.
Se modifica el anexo, que queda redactado en los siguientes términos:«ANEXOUnidades territoriales1.
En la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, las provincias de Almería, Córdoba, Cádiz, Huelva, Jaén y Sevilla.2.
En la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón, las provincias de Huesca, Zaragoza y Teruel.3.
En la Comunidad Autónoma del Principado de Asturias, toda la provincia de Asturias.4.
En la Comunidad Autónoma de Illes Balears, las Islas de Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza y Formentera.5.
En la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias, las Islas de Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro y La Graciosa.6.
En la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, toda la provincia de Cantabria.8.
En la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha, las provincias de Guadalajara y Cuenca.9.
En la Comunidad Autónoma de Cataluña, las regiones sanitarias de Camp de Tarragona, Alt Pirineu i Aran, y Terres de l’Ebre.11.
En la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura, las provincias de Cáceres y Badajoz.12.
En la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, las provincias de Lugo, A Coruña, Ourense y Pontevedra.13.
En la Región de Murcia, toda la provincia de Murcia excepto el municipio de Totana.14.
En la Comunidad Foral de Navarra, toda la provincia de Navarra.15.
En la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco, los territorios históricos de Araba/Álava, Bizkaia y Gipuzkoa.16.
En la Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja, toda la provincia de La Rioja.17.
La Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta.18.
La Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla.»Disposición final primera.
Régimen de recursos.Contra la presente orden se podrá interponer recurso contencioso-administrativo en el plazo de dos meses a partir del día siguiente al de su publicación ante la Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo del Tribunal Supremo, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 12 de la Ley 29/1998, de 13 de julio, reguladora de la Jurisdicción Contencioso-Administrativa.Disposición final segunda.
Efectos y vigencia.La presente orden surtirá plenos efectos desde las 00:00 horas del día 25 de mayo de 2020 y mantendrá su eficacia durante toda la vigencia del estado de alarma y sus posibles prórrogas o hasta que concurran circunstancias que justifiquen una nueva orden que modifique los términos de la presente.Madrid, 23 de mayo de 2020.–El Ministro de Sanidad, Salvador Illa Roca.
Source: BOE / Totana.com