The Local Police of Totana has arrested a total of five people for crimes against road safety and has opened proceedings for another alleged crime of serious disobedience during the last week, more specifically between May 11 and 18, respectively, according to sources.
of the Headquarters of this Body.The first of the arrests took place on May 11, around 5:30 p.m., when a patrol of the Civil Guard of the Post of Totana, observed a Seat Ibiza tourist, on Juan Carlos I Avenue, who was circulating doing these , going off the road and entering the roundabout of the Blood Donor, so a Local Police patrol appeared and could see that the driver gave off a strong smell of alcohol and difficulty speaking.In this circumstance, he was required to voluntarily carry out tests to determine the degree of alcoholic impregnation by the expired air method, yielding a result of 0.77 mg / liter in exhaled air, being detained for driving a motor vehicle, under the influence of alcoholic beverages and exceeding the rate of alcohol in exhaled air greater than 0.60 mg / liter.
The vehicle was deposited in municipal offices, and the detainee was brought to justice.Another detainee for an alleged crime against road safety took place on May 16, at about 7:50 p.m., when a Local Police patrol observed a Renault 19 tourist who carried out an anti-regulatory maneuver on Pablo Neruda street, trying to escape from the police patrol, which was impossible, being immediately intercepted. When identifying the driver, the latter gave off a strong smell of alcohol, in addition, he was not understood for speaking, despite speaking Spanish, given these facts, he was required to voluntarily carry out tests to determine the degree of alcoholic impregnation by the method expired air, yielding a result of 0.82 mg / liter in exhaled air, being stopped for driving a motor vehicle, under the influence of alcoholic beverages and exceeding the alcohol rate in exhaled air higher than 0.60 mg / liter .
The vehicle was deposited in municipal offices, and the detainee was brought to justice.In addition, on May 18, three other arrests were registered for an alleged crime against road safety.
The first detainee was at 6:40 am, on the Paseo de María Jesús, at one of the controls established in the various points of the population, to control the sanitary measures of the transport of people and avoid the spread of COVID 19: gave the act to a van, Mercedes-Benz, 412 and when proceeding to identify the driver, that this driver, despite giving numerous versions of her driving license, in the end it turned out, that the driver had never owned the driving license, for which she was arrested, being a neighbor of Totana and brought to justice.
The vehicle was deposited in municipal offices.The second detainee was at 10:35 p.m., in the Plaza de la Constitución, when a Local Police patrol that was driving through said urban space had to stop and dodge a van, failing to respect the signal to yield.
The vehicle was stopped to proceed with the identification and to fill out the report form and to identify the driver.This one had the characteristic symptoms of going under the influence of alcoholic beverages, such as a strong alcohol odor, bright eyes, etc.
reason why he was required to voluntarily carry out the tests to determine the degree of alcoholic impregnation by the expired air method, yielding a result of 0.70 mg / liter in exhaled air, being detained for driving a motor vehicle, under the influence of alcoholic beverages and exceeding the alcohol rate in exhaled air greater than 0.60 mg / liter.
The vehicle was deposited in municipal offices, and the detainee was brought to justice.The third detainee took place at 10:40 pm, when a patrol of the Civil Guard of the Post of Totana observed a Peugeot 806 van, on Calle Real, which was carrying out an abnormal, erratic and very slow movement; and upon identifying him, the agents verified that he had the characteristic symptoms of going under the influence of alcoholic beverages, so a Local Police patrol appeared.It was found, again, that the driver gave off a strong alcohol odor and difficulty speaking, so he was required to voluntarily carry out tests to determine the degree of alcoholic impregnation by the expired air method, throwing a result of 0.96 mg / liter in exhaled air, being stopped for driving a motor vehicle, under the influence of alcoholic beverages and exceeding the alcohol rate in exhaled air higher than 0.60 mg / liters.
The vehicle was deposited in municipal offices, and the detainee was brought to justice.Finally, Likewise, Local Police officers have also carried out proceedings for an alleged crime of serious disobedience to a natural citizen of Bulgaria, since from April 20 to May 8, 10 disciplinary proceedings have been opened.
for ignoring different prohibitions contemplated in Royal Decree 463/2020 of March 14, which decrees the state of alarm.The individual wandered, apparently, without just cause through different public spaces, ignoring the indications of the police officers, in addition to showing a derogatory attitude towards them.
The Totana Civil Guard continues with the appropriate investigations before bringing it to justice, as it could be punished with a prison sentence of three months to one year, or a fine of six to eighteen months.Likewise, on May 16, at 5:20 p.m., the Local Police patrol intercepted a vehicle in the Plaza de la Libertad, in the La Cerámica neighborhood, which was carrying out strange maneuvers, observing that the driver had indications of having consumed alcoholic beverages; reason why the appropriate tests were carried out in expired air giving a result of 0.59 mg / liter, for which reason it has been proposed for a penalty of 1,000.00 euros, which also implies the deduction of 6 points.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana