The Food Bank of Segura, based in Molina del Segura, has made three shipments for the distribution of food destined for Cáritas de las Tres Avemarías since the health crisis began by COVID-19, in the middle of last March.In fact, the councilor for Social Welfare, Javier Baños, coordinated the last delivery of food and thanked the willingness that the volunteers of the Food Bank are having towards the most vulnerable families in the municipality of Totana.He also thanked the Civil Protection volunteers and businessmen from Totana who are giving up their vehicles and machinery to carry out the transfer and unloading of the shipments made during this time, a total of three trips.Food pallets usually carry pasta, rice, legumes, juices, canned fish and tomato, sugar, cookies, oil, jams, jars, baby cereals, diapers for babies and children, water, chocolate candies, flour, among other products.
.The food bank is a volunteer-based organization whose objective is to recover food, especially non-perishable, from companies and supermarkets, through officially recognized charitable and social assistance institutions that have the closest contact with groups of people in need , avoiding any waste or misuse.These are non-profit organizations based on volunteerism and whose objective is the collection, storage and distribution of food to make it reach officially recognized charities, which help those most in need, thus collaborating in the fight against waste, to the social integration of people in danger of exclusion, and to protect the environment by avoiding the destruction of food.Food from the Segura Food Bank has been destined for Cáritas de las Tres Ave Marías, mainly because Cáritas de Santiago has other management and logistical organization of food storage and distribution to the neediest families.
In this case, Cáritas de Santiago is supplied by the Spanish Red Cross Food Bank.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana