| (This is not over and we should not trust ourselves) | A few days ago, we held a meeting of mayors of the area with the Manager of Area III.
Among other issues, he provided us with documentation and information on the pandemic, its evolution and future prospects.In this graph you can see, among others, two issues:1.- The positive effect on the decline of the coronavirus due to the confinement measures that prevented the collapse of our Health System and the death of many people if the pandemic continued to grow at the rate it was doing between March and April.2.- Forecasts for future evolution with spikes in rebound that last until November 2021.It depends on us that this forecast is more or less important or dangerous.
A more responsibility and respect for the rules (Hygiene, social distance, use of masks, measure in the exits, Common Sense ...), less growth or ups and more advance to economic and social normality.The more irresponsibility, the greater number of infected, ICU admissions, deaths, deterioration of health, collapse of hospitals or Health Centers, very serious blows to the economy and employment ...We have to freely decide which option to use.
It is not about fear or panic.
It is a matter of calm, tranquility, accepting that this danger is there and we have to live with it for a not short period of time.
Go to normal life, without obsessing, but with Common Sense and Responsibility.
Our life has changed and we have to accept it to fight to get out of it.It is not a problem that affects only us.
Countries like Germany, England, Russia, the United States and others have our same or more serious problem.
It is very sad the politicking with such a serious issue that it is making suffer (and will continue to do so) many people in all parts of the planet and a few meters from us.I think that Self Discipline and Social Responsibility is imposed on a logic that has no reasonable answer.
It is my humble and free opinion.Good morning and happy Friday.
Be careful, the virus is lurking and anyone is a potential infected or unintentional spread of COVID-19.Juan José Cánovas, Mayor of Totana
Source: @jjcanovas