The Totana City Council collaborates with the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM) in the study on the usual movements before confinement, how the health emergency of COVID-19 has interfered with them and what are the perceptions of citizen security regarding modes of transport.The UCAM Chair of Mobility and Sustainable Transport in the Murcia metropolitan area, led by Roberto J.
Liñán, has begun a study that will analyze how the health crisis has interfered with travel in order to predict new patterns of user movement.
of the Region after the coronavirus pandemic.In this sense, any neighbor of the Region can collaborate in this work through the form that can be found on the web about the habitual behavior in this field of the population before confinement, created by the researchers from the UCAM Transport and Mobility Group and the public transport concessionaires of Tranvía de Murcia and Transportes de Murcia.In this way, it is also contemplated to know the perceptions of security of citizens regarding the modes of transport during the state of alarm, taking into account that the reduction of mobility has modified the places of transit and the way of carrying out displacements.
.This study comes in addition to others carried out by this UCAM Chair such as the one related to mobility in the historic center of Murcia and, the last, on traffic in the surroundings of San Nicolás, whose data will allow us to better understand the results of the new analysis through a Big Data tool.Mobility limitationsThe state of alarm caused by COVID-19 has meant, in addition to confinement measures, limitations of mobility in the population.
This reduction in mobility has changed the places of transit and the way of making displacements.From the Chair of Mobility and Sustainable Transport of Murcia they also want to count on the help of the residents of Totana to study the current changes regarding mobility and displacement during this period, with the aim of developing satisfactory future mobility measures.The survey is completely anonymous and its answers will have an exclusive use in the present investigation.
The estimated time is less than 10 minutes and for any information interested persons can contact the email address
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana