The BOE today published the order on the new measures of phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality; that allow, finally, the displacement between municipalities and the second residences within the territorial unit (Region of Murcia), among other recommendations for social and economic relief.The order makes the activities allowed in phase 1 of the de-escalation by the coronavirus flexible, which will be accessed by the territories authorized yesterday by the Government, such as Murcia; and determines the reopening of numerous facilities and services with certain conditions.In this way, citizens of the Region are allowed to go to other municipalities in this autonomous community, as well as move to second-home properties.
Of course, people who are positive assets of coronavirus and those who are quarantined are exempt from any freedom of movement within the territorial unit.After logical conjectures and existing doubts when interpreting the main measures by the Public Administrations that go to the next phase, due to the complexity of the territorial context and the breadth of the order, today they have been published in the BOE, and later specified by the Government of Spain.The inhabitants of the territorial areas included in phase 1 will be able to organize social gatherings, in homes or terraces, with a maximum of 10 attendees (more if they are all living together) and they will also be free to move within the Autonomous Community (or basic areas of health included in the order).The most novel, and that had raised doubts after the communication on Thursday by the regional government, is that citizens will have freedom of movement in these areas to be able to do commercial activities, play sports or meet with other people.The Government allows the return to activity of all retail stores and service establishments whose activity had been suspended after the declaration of the state of alarm provided that their surface is less than 400 square meters.Businesses should limit their capacity to 30% and establish an exclusive schedule for people over 65 and, to avoid crowds, promotional actions that may attract a large number of customers will be prohibited.In addition, the opening of museums, libraries, open-air markets is allowed - the decision of the town councils provided that the number of regular stalls is reduced to a quarter and the capacity of seating is limited to a third - shops of less than 400 meters of surface and restaurants with terrace.
This freedom includes that it is feasible to do active tourism as well as activities and excursions in nature.The order also gives the communities a margin to modify the start time of the bands reserved for children and adults, so that the bands may foreseeably vary in the coming days in the case of Murcia, given the high temperatures in some sections of the day of face.
They will not be able to extend them, but if they advance or delay them up to a maximum of two hours.Likewise, automotive dealerships, vehicle technical inspection stations and garden centers and plant nurseries may reopen whatever their useful surface area for exhibition and sale, provided they implement a prior appointment system.All establishments open to the public must carry out cleaning and disinfection of the facilities at least twice a day, paying special attention to the most frequent contact surfaces.Bars and restaurants with terraces will be able to return to activity (until now they could only do so in the takeaway mode) as long as they never exceed 50% of the capacity prior to the crisis, although the order opens a way for this capacity to be expanded.
The tables will have to respect a minimum distance of two meters and will be able to accommodate groups of a maximum of 10 people.In this phase, restaurants will prioritize the use of single-use tablecloths and in no case may they use the same tablecloth for more than one customer (they will have to be washed at between 60 and 90 degrees).
The premises will have hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants at the entrance of the premises and the letters of common use and self-service products such as napkin rings, toothpick holders, cruets and oil cans will be avoided, prioritizing the use of single-dose.Likewise, teaching centers and universities have free access to gradually recover their progressive activity with their reopening for disinfection, conditioning and the performance of administrative functions, including the organization of teaching activities.Apart from the regulation of professional sports, the royal decree includes an article on individual sports activity by appointment in sports centers.
As in other closed establishments, gymnasium limitations are established according to their capacity and it is required to go by appointment; although the changing rooms and showers cannot be used yet.It is also authorized that the return to the activity of the outdoor sports centers also through an appointment system and with disinfection between each event held in said facilities.Labor sphereIn the workplace, the Government continues to bet on telework and establishes strict criteria (safety distances, material for cleaning hands, personal protective equipment, etc.) for all cases in which employees must go to the company.One of the functions that is suspended is the identification of workers by their fingerprint, by the risks that all employees touch the same surface.In the event that workers wear uniform or work clothes, it must be washed daily in cycles of between 60 and 90 degrees Celsius.The order allows wakes to be held in all kinds of public and private facilities, with a maximum of 15 attendees in the outdoor spaces and 10 in those held in closed rooms.You can also go to churches and other places of worship as long as it does not exceed a third of its capacity, although it is prohibited to use the exterior of the buildings and public roads to celebrate acts of worship.All attendees must wear a mask and the distribution, distribution or exchange of any type of object will be avoided due to the risk that this implies for the spread of the virus.
All the spaces used must be disinfected before and after each activity or event.The 47 articles of the new standard outline how the life of slightly more than half of the Spanish population living in the areas included in phase 1 will be in the coming days, and that in the case of the Region of Murcia affects the 45 municipalities.
In other provinces or autonomous communities this step has been carried out only by specific sanitary areas by virtue of compliance with the parameters required by the experts.Summary of the main measures of the order, published this Saturday in the BOE and valid exclusively for the territorial unit:SOCIAL MEASURES- Meetings of a maximum of ten people.- Possibility of mobility between neighboring municipalities for socioeconomic activities.- Wake tables with a limit of 15 people outdoors or 10 indoors.- Máximo de 15 personas en entierros o incineraciones además del oficiante en el caso de los ritos funerarios.- Asistencia a lugares de culto siempre que no se supere un tercio de su aforo.ESTABLECIMIENTOS COMERCIALES- Podrán abrirse todos los locales con una superficie igual o inferior a 400 metros cuadrados excepto los que se encuentren dentro de centros o parques comerciales.- Reducción del aforo al 30 por ciento- Dos metros entre clientes.
Si no es posible mantener esa distancia, sólo un cliente dentro del local.- Horario de atención prioritario para mayores de 65 años- Reapertura con cita previa de concesionarios de automoción, centros de ITV, locales de jardinería y viveros de plantas sea cual fuere su superficie útil de exposición y venta.- Apertura de entidades concesionarias de juego público de ámbito estatal excepto las que se encuentren en centros comerciales.- Mercados al aire libre si así lo deciden los ayuntamientos correspondientes.TERRAZAS HOTELES, BARES Y RESTAURANTES- Apertura de terrazas al 50 por ciento de las mesas que tenga permitidas.- Ocupación máxima de 10 personas por mesa.- Se evitarán cartas de uso común, optando por dispositivos electrónicos propios, pizarras, carteles u otros medios similares.SERVICIOS SOCIALES- Apertura de centros y servicios de usos sociales con las medidas de seguridad previstas, pero priorizando la vía telemática cuando sea posible.- En todo caso, se garantizará la disponibilidad de acceso a los servicios de terapia, rehabilitación, atención temprana y atención diurna para personas con discapacidad y/o en situación de dependencia.CENTROS EDUCATIVOS Y UNIVERSITARIOS- Reapertura de los centros educativos y centros universitarios para su desinfección, acondicionamiento y para funciones administrativas.- Limitación al máximo posible del empleo de documentos en papel.- Podrá procederse a la apertura de los laboratorios universitarios para las labores de investigación que les son propias.BIBLIOTECAS- Reapertura de bibliotecas para préstamo y devolución de obras y lectura en sala- No se podrá hacer uso de los ordenadores y medios informáticos para el público En bibliotecas especializadas o con fondos antiguos, únicos, especiales o excluidos de préstamo domiciliario se permite la consulta con reducción de aforo y sólo en los casos en que se considere necesario.- Una vez consultadas las obras permanecerán catorce días si poder utilizarse.ACTOS Y ESPECTÁCULOS CULTURALES- Reapertura de locales en los que se desarrollen actos y espectáculos culturales sólo para un tercio de su aforo y siempre que no se superen las 30 personas en lugares cerrados y 200 al aire libre.- No se entregará libreto ni programa ni otra documentación en papel.- No se prestarán servicios complementarios como tiendas, cafetería o guardarropa.ACTIVIDAD DEPORTIVA PROFESIONAL Y FEDERADA- Apertura de los Centros de Alto Rendimiento.- Sólo podrá acceder con los deportistas un entrenador.- Entrenamientos preferentemente de forma individual.- Los clubes deportivos o Sociedades Anónimas Deportivas podrán desarrollar entrenamientos en grupos de hasta diez deportistas.- A las sesiones de entrenamiento no podrán asistir medios de comunicación ni contarán con presencia de personal auxiliar o utilleros.- Apertura de las instalaciones deportivas al aire libre con cita previa.TURISMO ACTIVO Y DE NATURALEZA- Se podrán realizar actividades de turismo activo y de naturaleza para grupos de un máximo de hasta diez personasHOTELES Y ESTABLECIMIENTOS TURÍSTICOS- Apertura de hoteles y alojamientos turísticos, que podrán prestar servicio de restauración sólo a sus clientes hospedados.- No está permitida la utilización de piscinas, spas, gimnasios, miniclubs, zonas infantiles, discotecas o salones de eventos- Se limpiarán y desinfectarán al menos cada dos horas todos los objetos y superficies de las zonas de paso susceptibles de ser manipuladas o contaminadas por diferentes personas.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana