| "You don't go to politics to distribute misery.
You go to work for people" | The intention of the Totana PSOE, undoubtedly, is very good.
Coming from Cáritas or from some similar social association it would be ideal but now they are feeding thousands of people and the PSOE is a political party that I suppose aspires to more than just being Caritas, for example.If the Government is the one that imposes the confinement and the suspension of the classes.
Then there would be two exits in sight, the general approved not to discriminate against anyone at the level of the course that we are already getting confined or ..., equip the Government of the Nation of these teams to schools.
Which is very difficult given the tests and their management during and before the hit of the infected and the dead.So the most "vulnerable" students would, in any case, be the direct responsibility of the Government of Spain, as is the case with the ERTEs.
Can a municipality help to solve this problem? Yes, of course, working from local politics and the PSOE of Totana and everyone, they can if they want, but not like that.
What a misery, the Spanish will always be on time, and they are on their way to a larger scale.
In addition, it is not ruled out that the next course can be started with the same situation as now and that confinement could be repeated due to a rebound of infected people last summer.
It would be necessary to prevent everything that could be done here as well, but this to prevent is bad enough in the government of Pedro Sánchez and the "others".We would propose this, but we have to work from politics, everyone, to avoid occurrences and "alms", for other groups and associations.
The taxes paid are for something:"URGENT Motion of Action Totana requesting the support of all the opposition for being the majority in this Municipal Corporation, to approve a joint plan and a budget item, in coordination with the municipal schools, whether public or concerted, local businesses and possible donations of individuals in money or material to provide all the schoolchildren in the municipality who do not have them, with basic computer equipment that allows them to continue their studies during the time that the so-called state of alarm lasts so that they are subsequently available and in storage of the students of each school ".Juan Carlos Carrillo.
Source: Acción Totana