The Local Police of Totana has detained two people in recent days for two alleged crimes against road safety and gender violence, respectively; as reported by sources of the Headquarters.The first of the detainees took place on April 26 for an alleged crime against road safety, the events of which occurred around 9:45 p.m., when the agents proceeded to control a Nissan tourism that was zigzagging and invading the line It continues delimiting the lanes of the road in Calle Teniente Pérez Redondo.Once the vehicle was stopped, it was observed that the driver gave off a strong smell of alcohol, he had bright eyes and dilated pupils, so he was required to voluntarily carry out tests to determine the degree of alcoholic impregnation by the expired air method.
.After the test, he returned a result of 0.71 mg / liter in exhaled air, being arrested for driving a motor vehicle, under the influence of alcoholic beverages and exceeding the alcohol rate in exhaled air greater than 0.60 mg / liter.
The vehicle was deposited in municipal offices, and the detainee was brought to justice.In addition, the other detainee took place on April 28 for the alleged crime of Gender Violence.
The events occurred around 9:10 pm, when notice was received in Room “092” of the Local Police on 1-1-2, indicating a possible case at a local address.Two local police patrols immediately went to the address indicated by the room, where a woman was in a very nervous state and with signs of having been hit in the face, saying that her partner had hit her, which was located in a room in the same house. He told officers that he had argued with his partner.
In the home there were other residents, witnesses to the events.
The victim was transferred to the Health Center by one of the police patrols, being the possible author of the events, a native of Honduras, detained and handed over to the Civil Guard Barracks of the Totana post, who continued with the appropriate procedures for his judicial provision.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana