The mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, has made public through social networks the answers to the questions of the councilor of the "platform of occurrences" in the ordinary plenary session of February
By the Councilor of the Mixed Group, José Antonio Andréo Moreno.
• In relation to the direct contracting of a company, the preparation of the Municipal Budget.
o What is the reason for this completely arbitrary contracting, without advertising, or competitive competition between companies in the field?
o Mayor's RESPONSE:
or "The hiring of this company has followed the procedures included in the legislation and the mandatory reports.
• The current and delicate financial situation and the constant requirements of the Ministry of Finance, make it necessary, in my opinion, this service of reinforcement to the Areas of Intervention and Treasury.
I imagine you will remember other times when the public coffers were being ruined and waste was the norm in this City Council and consulting companies were hired as:
GRANITE, with a contract of 59,999.88 euros.
Or VImodu, 21,240 euros to do nothing.
Or Munt Auditors, many others.
O Lugarilla, with a single invoice of 9,680 euros per month.
And so we could report several hundred thousand euros without control. "
Platform Question.
o Does the government team not trust municipal technicians to perform this function, which has traditionally been performed from the intervention services?
o ANSWER Mayor:
• "I have full confidence in the municipal intervention technicians and the results show it. With a spectacular turn since they assumed the responsibilities.
• According to the data and invoices in the payment and accounting files of the City Council of those years, it does not seem that good practices have been anything traditional.
Quite the contrary."
Platform Question:
• In relation to the municipal companies Proinvitosa and CEDETO.
o When do you plan to carry out the renewal of the Boards of Directors of these companies, the expiration date has expired?
o ANSWER Mayor:
or "After commenting, on my part, on several occasions on the Board of Spokespersons, the General Meetings of the 2 companies will be convened during the month of March to elect the Boards of Directors."
Platform Question:
• In relation to the Totana Fountain, called Uzeta.
After the investment made in its replacement and value.
Or is the pipeline that allows water to flow properly through all its pipes in a natural way?
o ANSWER Mayor:
• "The solution is being sought. The problem is that condensation in the pump chamber causes the shutdown of one or both. That conditions everything and it is being studied to guarantee ventilation to avoid the condensation problem in a definitive way. Something complex for being buried on the sidewalk. However, the company and municipal services are looking for alternatives that I think can be settled in a few days. "
Platform Question:
• Recently the government team complained about the bad economic situation of the municipal coffers.
From the Civil Platform “NOW TOTANAâ€, the corresponding Grant has been returned.
Or, will the municipal group Win Totana return the subsidy that corresponds to it to contribute in this way to the improvement of the municipal coffers and to properly invest said amount?
Is this example going to be extended to the rest of the Municipal Groups as an example of savings?
o ANSWER Mayor:
"I imagine you should know that neither in the Law nor in the Regulations it is contemplated that the Plenaries ask questions to the Political Groups or to the Councilors of the Opposition. The questions must always be addressed to the Governing Bodies (Mayor or Councilors Delegates) on their role and responsibilities, not on whether they wear a jacket or suit or where they buy it.
Therefore, this question is as absurd as if any Group or Councilor of the Plenary asked you if you intend to give up the 74% increase in the fees you charge and you voted or if you intend to resign from the City Council (the people) pay Social Security or emoluments that, in addition to the allowances for assistance received, exceed 7,332 euros per year.
In plenary, Mr. Andreo and in my modest opinion, it should be limited to serious and legal issues.
The occurrences or chirigotas are better at the carnival or in the Social Networks. "
Source: @jjcanovas