The City of Totana has improved the attention to the citizen with the implementation of a new system that optimizes the management of user queues, so that the citizen, through a touch terminal, can select the service that corresponds to the procedure he wishes to perform .
In this way, the dispenser provides you with a shift ticket, referring the user to the corresponding service post.
On a call screen, the order number and the corresponding service post are displayed.
Currently, there are six service positions enabled for the services offered: registration of documents, registration, flyers and certificates of registration, large family titles, hunting and fishing licenses, CARM fees, cadastral certificates, faith of life and general information.
Similarly, the service offered by appointment for the issuance and renewal of the DNI, can be done through the telephone 968418151, pressing option 8.
In addition to the face-to-face care system, it is recalled that another tool for relating to the City Council is through the electronic headquarters, which facilitates citizens access to information, services and electronic procedures that are carried out in this administration, without time constraints, without queues or waiting and reducing and even eliminating the necessary displacements to carry out the different procedures.
Through the Electronic Headquarters, a series of services and procedures are made available to citizens and businesses, to which they will be progressively adding new ones, which can be done online, along with other services and information of interest:
Electronic record
Electronic procedures
Electronic folder
Complaints or suggestions
Document Validation
Bulletin board
Profile of the contracting party
Electronic notification
The only requirement to carry out electronic procedures is that you must have a digital certificate admitted to the headquarters.
Finally, it is recalled that it must be taken into account that, they are required to relate through electronic means to carry out any procedure of an administrative procedure: legal persons, entities without legal personality, collegiate professionals, public employees, representatives of obliged subjects and those determined by regulation (Article 14.2 of Law 39/2015 of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations).
The official address of this Electronic Office is available at the Internet address:
It can be considered a virtual extension of the Citizen Service Office, with the same legal validity as the procedures carried out in person, with the advantage that it remains open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana