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The Storyteller is celebrated on the occasion of the International Day against Gender Violence (26/11/2019)

The Department of Culture and Equality of the City of Totana celebrated the Storytelling "Cinderella who did not want to eat partridges" on the occasion of the International Day Against Gender Violence, which was attended by a large group of children between 6 and 12 years .

The activity took place at the "Mateo García" Municipal Library, upon registration;

and during it was read and interpreted, with the help of actors, a story for new generations about the freedom to choose and the heroism of living day by day.

The initiative was framed in the program of commemorative activities of the International Day against Gender Violence that Totana, organized by the Department of Women and Equality, at the request of the Municipal Council of Equality of this town.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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