The Ministry of Education will launch an experimental program in 26 secondary education centers in the Region that will strengthen the attention of students with high capacities in order to make better use of their talent.
The project, financed with public funds, will be carried out during the next three academic years, and among the centers selected in the regional context, is the IES Juan de la Cierva de Totana;
the only elected in this municipality, according to sources of the Department of Education.
This measure, contained in the 'Strategy of educational success.
Objective 2020 ', will promote active methodologies and actions with fun and motivating components that favor the basic skills and abilities of students with high intellectual abilities and high performance and motivation towards learning.
The objectives of the selected educational centers will be, among others, to promote educational environments that help school success, generating answers in conditions of equality and quality, responding in a plural, equitable, flexible and adequate manner to the diversity of students.
It is about offering quality and individualized attention to these students in a standardized and inclusive environment.
Another purpose is to increase the expectations of school success among Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and post-compulsory students, thereby promoting their continuity in the education system, as well as raising motivation and addressing the main difficulties related to the study. of students at risk of early educational abandonment.
The role of these students with high capacities in the life of the school will also be enhanced through the tutoring of other students with difficulties.
Thus, a climate of positive coexistence will be generated in the centers in which relations of help between equals are generated.
Once the three academic courses have passed, the Ministry of Education will finally determine the centers that will be recognized as specialized in the improvement of talent promotion.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana