The Local Government Board has accepted the direct subsidy to the City of Totana for a total amount of 35,000 euros for the development of comprehensive social care programs for the Roma people in this municipality.
These grants are granted within the framework of the Gypsy Development Plan financed by the Ministry of Family and Equality and Opportunities and the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare corresponding to the year 2019.
The purpose of this aid is to promote the promotion, prevention of exclusion, development, participation and social integration of the collective, favoring the improvement of the qualification and access to employment of this population, among others.
The projects must have an integral character, being able to contemplate actions in the areas of social inclusion, education, culture, employment, health, housing, non-discrimination and antigitanism, citizenship and participation.
The distribution of the credits corresponding to the Gypsy Development Plan for this year is pending approval by the Council of Ministers.
Thus, if at the time of issuing the resolution granting the aid, it is still not approved, it is expected that the granting of the subsidy can be carried out in two phases: 1st phase of 30,730.96 euros and 2nd phase of 4,269.04 euros, respectively.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana