On June 15, 2019, the new Totana City Council Corporation was constituted in plenary session according to the results of the local elections of May 26 of the current year.
As a result of the constitution of the new Corporation, it is necessary to carry out a new reorganization of the political and administrative structure of the City Council in the exercise of its power of self-organization recognized to local entities in article 4.1 a) of the LRBRL and in accordance with the municipal needs.
Considering that the Mayor-President, in use of the powers that are legally conferred -especially in accordance with the provisions of art.
21.3 of that of Law 7/1985 of April 2 and 43, 44 and 45 of RD 2568/1986, of November 28 - has decided to make the relevant delegations regarding the various services and municipal areas for the proper functioning of the entity local.
Bearing in mind that the Mayor is the President of the Corporation and in accordance with the provisions of article 21.3, LRBRL may delegate the exercise of its powers, except for convening and presiding the sessions of the Plenary and the Local Government Board, deciding the ties with the vote of quality, the agreement of credit operations, the superior headship of all the personnel, the separation of the service of the civil servants and the dismissal of the labor personnel, and those enunciated in paragraphs a), e), j), k), l) and m) of section 1 of said article 21 LBRL (although, it may delegate to the Local Government Board the exercise of the powers contemplated in paragraph j).
The delegations in members of the Corporation will be subject to the generic rating contained in article 23.4 LRBRL, which establishes that the Mayor can delegate the exercise of certain attributions to the members of the Local Government Board and, where this does not exist, in the Deputy Mayor, without prejudice to the special delegations that, for specific tasks, may be carried out in favor of any Councilors, even if they do not belong to it.
If the delegating body - the Mayor - is interested in hearing about a specific issue, he or she can defend his or her knowledge without having to partially revoke his or her delegation.
In relation to the Local Government Board, the number of councilors to whom the Mayor may appoint members may not be greater than one third of the legal number of members of the Corporation.
It will correspond to the Local Government Board, thus integrated, and under the presidency of the Mayor's Office, the permanent assistance to it in the exercise of its attributions, as well as those delegated by any municipal organ or expressly attributed by the laws.
Therefore, once the Local Government Board is constituted and its members appointed, the Mayor-President, as well as the Plenary, may delegate to this body the delegable powers that it deems appropriate.
And considering that this is in accordance with the general interest, in use of the powers conferred by articles 21.3 of Law 7/1985 of April 2 and 43, 44 and 45 of RD 2568/1986, of November 28,
FIRST.- DECLARE that the following Areas and Services will not be Delegated and that they will be directly managed by the Mayor's Office:
Personnel, Internal Regime and General Services.
Treasury, Contracting and Heritage.
SECOND.- CARRY OUT the following GENERAL DELEGATIONS, regarding the areas and municipal services that are specified, in favor of the Mayor's Lieutenants that are indicated below:
Delegate to Ms. Inmaculada Blázquez Acosta:
Economic development.
Training and Employment.
New Technologies NNTT
Animal welfare.
Youth and childhood.
Delegate to Dª Verónica Carricondo Gázquez:
Culture and Celebrations
Archaeological sites and Museums.
Historical-Artistic Heritage and Archive.
Delegate to Mr. Pedro José Sánchez Pérez:
Town planning.
Services, Infrastructure, Mobility and Urban Accessibility.
Agriculture, Livestock and Water.
Pedanías and Rural Development.
Delegate to Mr. Agustín Gonzalo Martínez Hernández:
Citizen security.
Security in Public Buildings.
Civil protection.
Transportation, Taxis, ORA Service
Citizen participation.
Council of Citizen Participation.
Education and Language School.
Delegate in D. Javier Baños Tudela:
Social Welfare
Equality, Women, LGTBI, Disabled and Elderly.
Elderly Care Centers.
Disability Care Centers.
Trade, Fairs and Supply Plazas.
THREE.- The delegations made will cover all the faculties of management, internal organization and management of the corresponding services, including the possibility of having what is necessary for the good administrative processing of the files, developing them in all their phases, with the exception of the faculty of resolve through administrative acts that affect third parties.
FOURTH.- The Delegations of Competencies will be understood without prejudice to their possible special certification by the delegating body.
FIFTH.- The contents of this Resolution will be reported to the Plenary in the first session held.
SIXTH.- Publish the content of this Resolution in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia, without prejudice to its effectiveness from the day following its signature by the Mayor-President.
SEVENTH.- Notify the present to the interested parties for their decision.
Source: Totana.com