The Department of Economic Development, Training, Employment and Industry of the City of Totana informs that the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Enterprise and Environment has approved the call for subsidies to promote the conversion into permanent contracts of training in the Region of Murcia.
SMEs (including self-employed workers) can benefit from these subsidies, since the work center for which the subsidized activity is carried out is located in the Murcia region.
To do this, the conversion into permanent ones must be full-time or part-time with a minimum of 50% of the full-time working day.
The individual amount for each worker with a training contract converted into an indefinite one varies according to the duration of the contract, amounting to 6,000 euros for full-time workers and 3,000 euros for part-time workers.
The applications will be formalized in the single instance model that for this modality is available on the web page in the section "grants and subsidies" (procedure code 1205) together with the documentation required in Annex I, which It will be provided in electronic format, together with a declaration responsible for their authenticity.
As for the deadline for submitting grant applications, it will be 15 days from the date on which the conversion of the training contract to an indefinite one takes place.
For those hirings made between January 1, 2019 and the date of publication of the extract of the call, the period of applications will be 15 days counted from the day following the same.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana