From ACTION MURCIA in Totana we want to congratulate our Mayor Mr. Andrés García, for having met yesterday with the new Government Delegate in Murcia, Francisco Jiménez and to inform us with such diligence (being in the electoral campaign is what he has).
"This meeting, requested by our Mayor and with" emergency character ", aimed to address the thefts that have occurred in the municipality's housing during the last weeks (and months ...) and that are generating" some political debate "in this municipality".
Declared from the City Council.
In the month of February, Councilman Carrillo moved a question full request data and information to the residents of Totana for your peace of mind, understanding that in the latest cases of robberies, some with violence, was a rebound of these in Totana .
The response of our Mayor was that if Councilman Carrillo thought there was an increase in robberies, "it was he who contributed the data."
To later recognize what if ..., that there was an increase in thefts and a "social alarm" about it.
To day of the date, we continue hoping that the statistical data of the last years are made public for knowledge of the totaneros, since "the data that there are are that they are ...", answered the Mayor to later tell a "history" that He did not come to mind by dodging the question in question.
Yesterday through a press release, the Mayor urged the Popular Party of Totana to "not demagogue with the situation that are going through the families of Totana" who have been victims of robberies in their homes.
When he acknowledged in February that there was "social alarm" among the population.
From ACCIÓN MURCIA in Totana, we demand our Mayor and his Councilman Delegate of Security that fulfill their obligation to inform the neighbors, (... it is called transparency) and that they give the information requested by Councilman Carrillo regarding the percentage of crimes in Totana in recent years and its nature.
Apart from reporting the actions that have been carried out at the local level or are intended to be carried out.
Before they leave the Government.
Source: Juan C. Carrillo