Last Thursday, it jumped to the public light that the Lorca company Ambulancias Lorca, that employs 96 workers of the region, has been left out of the sanitary transport after an adjudication, not free of controversy, that has benefited a foreign company of the Region.
"We regret that an exemplary company such as Ambulancias Lorca, after 29 years of service and being the only one with QH quality accreditation, has been out of tender for less than 5 points, benefiting from the eight lots that were available for the different areas of health of the Region a joint venture of which La Generala is part. "
In addition, it has been controversial, that within the specifications, in the section referring to the environmental improvements of the vehicles for which 7 points were awarded, the local company has not been given any, despite the fact that two of its vehicles would be zero emissions and the rest of them with ECO badge, while the UTE has granted the maximum possible.
The economic offer presented by the UTE in question is only € 500 less than that of Ambulances Lorca, but reducing 40 ambulances in the service of the region, with 7 fewer than we will have in Area III of Health, to which the Municipality of Totana.
So although workers are surrogates to this new company, it is clear that some will be unemployed with the reduction of service.
"This will mean a further deterioration of the already aggravated health service Area III with seven ambulances less, which will result in fewer services for users of affected municipalities.
While the City of Totana makes a considerable effort to obtain a coordinated ambulance and managed by the Civil Protection Volunteer Group, from the regional administration is reduced by 7 medical vehicles that provide service in our area.
It is clear that the intended reduction of taxes to those who have more translates into a clear detriment of health quality and health, which leads to cutting services.
For all this, we ask that the full City Council of Totana reject the reduction in health transport Area III Health, urging the Ministry of Health to redirect the situation, maintaining, at least the services and coverage in transportation that so far we had.
And also show our support and solidarity to the workers of the region of the ambulance company of Lorca that may be affected their rights as well as in some cases the loss of employment due to cuts in the sanitary transport service after the new award.
Source: Ganar Totana