The Plenary Session of the City Council of Totana has agreed in its last session, by majority, to begin work to draw up a Municipal Regulation that regulates the placement of emblems, banners, flags, posters and the like in buildings and municipal public spaces.
In addition, it was agreed, at the initiative of the Municipal People's Group, that said regulations be worked and carried out with the input of ideas and criteria from all the municipal groups;
with the support of the PSOE, PP and the mayor not ascribed, and against Ganar Totana-IU.
According to the motion, the municipal balconies and public spaces are usually found in the historic centers of the municipalities, in the case of Totana, the balcony of the City Council, the Department of Urban Planning and the Center for the Third Age, among others. is located in the squares of the Constitution and Old Balsa, being the first, the main square of the town and which is within an area of ​​urban cataloging of BIC.
Within these areas, due to its cultural and monumental interest, there is a series of criteria that must be met for any action that is intended to be urban in the area, where special care is taken in the constructions and arrangements and adaptation of low, in order that everything keeps harmony and consonance with the BIC that is in the area.
As the initiative meant, apart from urban issues, it is important that the use of public spaces is not aimed at causing confrontation and confrontation between the residents of the municipality.
According to the proposal, there have been many occasions that by the different government teams that have governed the City Council, it has been used for the placement of banners, banners, posters and so on with different claims.
The plenary agreement calls for the establishment of a protocol of action when using the municipal balconies with banners, emblems, posters and the like, since it must be something for everyone, respect and maintain the appearance of our public buildings correctly ;
and without that they can be used the same elements of division and confrontation between neighbors and that also do not alter the architectural composition of the place.
With this, it is intended that public spaces are free of any type of claim and signage, since there are other means to express the needs or criteria to express, but in case it is considered important.
In the case, that it is necessary to carry out the use of such spaces by the City Council, this act must be approved or unanimously agreed by all municipal groups, since all of them are those that represent the total of the neighbors of the municipality.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana