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The solidarity concert for the refugees "Crazy Festival Totana", organized by the IES Juan de la Cierva, will be held on April 5 (29/03/2019)

The solidary concert for the refugees "Crazy Festival Totana", organized by the IES Juan de la Cierva, will be held on April 5 in the municipal auditorium "Marcos Ortiz", from 19:00, to benefit the UN Agency for Refugees (UNHCR).

The councilor for Culture, Eulalia Moreno, the school's head of studies, Trinidad Romero, and the students of 3rd and 2nd ESO, Alba Rodríguez and Carmen García, respectively, have presented this charitable musical activity that is involving the almost all of the educational community of the IES.

The initiative aims to raise funds for this NGO that works with refugees and, above all, encourage an active and participatory learning methodology by putting knowledge and implementation of projects for the development of competencies, skills and abilities of students.

To this end, five commissions or departments of work have been set up to coordinate and program the needs for the organization of the concert, with which it is advocated to promote a supportive attitude and service to the students focused on improving the environment.

The concert is aimed at young people and will be free of alcohol and smoke.

In the same participate diverse groups like "Punky Boys", "Shamam Shaman", "Conversion", "The Rogers", "Cardian", "Black Panther Crew", the local dance academies "Dansa" and "Step by Step" , the Choir of the IES and the student Yolanda Sánchez Martínez.

Interested persons can collaborate or get their entry, at the price of 5 euros, at the IES Juan de la Cierva and at the well-known establishment "El Perro Gordo", or through the organizing committee of the activity.

In addition, the sale of merchandising has been promoted and you can collaborate with a zero row in fundraising for this NGO.

The promoters encouraged the citizens of Totana to come together in this activity and participate by collaborating with some of the measures offered in this ambitious project.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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