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They approve to finance the XI Choral Christmas Festival organized by the Choral Vox Musicalis for next December 22 (27/03/2019)

The Local Government Board has approved the proposal of the Councilor for Culture, Eulalia Moreno, to finance with 300 euros the XI Coral Christmas Festival organized by the Vox Musicalis Choir for next December 22, and issue a certification that accredits by the Totana City Council the commitment of such financing.

The Coral Vox Musicalis has requested the Ministry of Culture, through the Institute of Cultural Industries and Arts (ICA), funding to hold the event.

With the approval of Law 1/2019 of 19 February, of the Music of the Region of Murcia, the Public Administrations acquire in a very explicit way the commitment of the promotion, protection and promotion of music in all its manifestations, creating the conditions necessary for the citizens to develop the musical culture in its different facets.

Among the commitments is the obligation to schedule concerts by musicians and professional training of the Region of Murcia.

After a meeting held with this association, the Department acquired the commitment to collaborate in this event, being a requirement for the ICA the presentation of a certificate that accredits it, with the financial amount indicated above.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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