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A fire is destroying part of the Totana municipal eco-park (26/03/2019)

A fire for unknown reasons is destroying part of the Totana municipal eco-park, in the area of ​​El Bosque, below the railway station, although it seems that it is already being controlled by the emergency and security personnel displaced there.

The 112 has received notice of the event at 9:00 p.m.

and up to the place of the fire where plastics, wood and cardboard are stored, five Civil Protection volunteers with two vehicles, firefighters from the Fire and Rescue Extinction Consortium (CEIS), Local Police and Civil Guard have been displaced.

Apparently, there are no confirmed injuries and the flames are seen from different areas of the urban area, so it is recommended that you do not transit through the area.

The mayor, Andrés García, the first deputy mayor, Juan José Cánovas, and the councilor for Security and Emergencies, Agustín Gonzalo Martínez, have all come to the vicinity.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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