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The Collective "El Candil" will hold the School of Holy Week and Spring Festival on April 15, 16, 17, 22 and 23, with the collaboration of the Youth Council The application period opens on the next 2 from April to the end of inscriptions (25/03/2019)

The Local Government Board has agreed to approve the signing of a collaboration agreement with the Collective for Social Promotion "El Candil" for the development of the project "School of Holy Week and Spring Festival 2019", to be held the next 15 days , 16, 17, 22 and 23 April in Totana, with the collaboration of the Department of Youth.

The totanero Consistory will collaborate in the expenses of concierge, cleaning and a maximum contribution of 500 euros to finance part of the expenses of realization of the activities of free time during the period of the scholastic vacations, in order to facilitate the conciliation of the life labor, family and people at this time.

The application period opens on April 2 until the end of registration.

Two entities specialized in the organization of this type of leisure and free time programs, aimed at children enrolled in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education (3-6 years) or Primary Education (6-12 years) were presented to the call.

The project will be carried out at the CEIP "La Cruz" and the maximum number of places offered will be 30.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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