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Juan C. Carrillo will head the list of "Acción Murcia" in the municipal elections (25/03/2019)


From Murcia Action we are honored to address all the residents of Totana through this release, first to put ourselves at your service and then to inform you that next Monday, April 1 at 8:30 pm, will take place in the Auditorium of the Cultural Center "La Carcel" of Totana, the presentation of our regionalist political party by its Secretary General, other members of the Regional Board and the Independent Councilor D. Juan C. Carrillo Ruiz as candidate of the party for the next municipal elections.

The Municipal Corporation, other local authorities, media and all those who wish to attend in a personal capacity to support us are invited to this presentation.

Source: Acción Murcia / Totana.com

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