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The next theatrical visit to the site of La Bastida de Totana will be on Saturday, April 13, in two morning shifts (25/03/2019)

The Department of Tourism informs that next April 13, Saturday, there will be a new dramatized visit to the site of La Bastida de Totana, after the last one was celebrated with great success last weekend in February.

This visit has the peculiarity of knowing the site through characters that go out to meet visitors such as the archaeologist Luis Siret, the gypsy who reproduced pieces and sold them to museums throughout Europe such as "El Rosao" or Argaric women and men in their daily tasks that will delight young and old on a journey through time.

The visit will take place in two hours: 9:30 and 12:00 hours, respectively;

and to acquire the tickets it is necessary to do it through the regional portal of Murcia Turística in the following link https://bit.ly/2RUzR4s

This service has been implemented for several years by the Department of Tourism for visits to the general public (weekends and holidays) and dramatized to the site allows, at any time of day, you can make the reservation and purchase tickets facilitating the service to all the interested ones.

For any additional information about the visits, those interested can contact the Tourist Office located in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja (next to the senior center) from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., phone 968418153 or turismo@totana.es

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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