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Celebration of learning Colegio La Milagrosa (21/03/2019)


With the aim of providing our students with quality training and more adapted to the needs of today's society, our center continues to move towards pedagogical innovation.

Within the framework of our innovation program, a large number of activities have been planned and now we want to participate in one of them.

One of the pillars of the methodological innovation program is project work.

In this line, and with the memory of the projects we carried out in previous courses, we are pleased to inform you that during the month of March the whole center is working on the project "#SembrandoEsperanza", which will end with the "celebration of learning".

It is a party in which students share the achievements with their families, while promoting their self-esteem and motivation to learn.

All of you are invited to this celebration of "Celebration of Learning" that will take place on March 29 from 9:30 to 11:30.

For our students it will be a very special day because they will feel protagonists of their learning and the teachers will be happy to accompany you at all times.

Source: Colegio La Milagrosa

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