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A total of 80 patients already benefit from the physical therapy program "Activa Totana" to extend this habit to patients with cardiovascular risk factors (21/03/2019)

The Department of Health and Sports, in collaboration with the health centers of Totana, has recently launched the health program "Active Totana", which is developed by the Ministry of Health with the collaboration of municipalities Murcia.

The active program of prescription of physical therapeutic exercise is already present in 27 municipalities of the Region of Murcia.

Under this, those patients who require physical exercise, either sedentary lifestyle or mild heart disease, are referred from the Health Centers to the Department of Sports, and incorporated into the database and the program that currently has 80 patients.

The program currently has three shifts:

1st shift, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm

2nd shift, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

3rd shift, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.

Classes are taught at the Municipal Gymnasium "La Cárcel" through suitably qualified staff hired by the Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia.

The patients perform adapted physical activity and have a follow-up of assistance that will allow those who can not go to be discharged, and soon to be able to incorporate new patients, given that there is already a waiting list with more than ten people.

The program lasts six months, ending on June 30 for summer break, and resuming in September and October.

Since last February, Totana has joined the network of localities that have launched it, with the participation of its two health centers.

Currently, the Ministry of Health has deployed the Active program throughout the regional health map, and it involved 59 primary care centers, including the two new accessions.

The General Directorate of Planning, Research, Pharmacy and Care has already held two meetings with the primary care professional teams, in order to present the program aimed at extending the habit of physical exercise in patients with cardiovascular risk factors.

Activa Murcia is a program of the Ministry of Health, designed to promote physical activity through the prescription of physical exercise by health professionals in primary care Murciano Health Service and with the collaboration of municipalities for the transfer of its sports facilities.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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