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Juan José Cánovas renounces the coordination of IU to focus fully on local politics as a mayoral candidate (18/03/2019)

As Juan José Cánovas explained in an appearance before the media, Ganar Totana has before it a new and exciting stage where we have proposed to be the most voted force in the municipal elections.

Therefore, the mayoral candidate resigns from his position as organic coordinator of IU to focus all their energies in the municipality of Totana and the important elections of May 26.

"In recent years, we have fostered the confluence and participation to bring together many people from the local left, without impositions or requirements, rather than coinciding in our vision of local politics and our proposals to overcome the complicated situation of the town hall after the absolute majorities of the PP This has resulted in a group that has been growing and incorporating new and independent faces, since of the 6 councilors that today we make up the Municipal Group, only 2 we work in IU. "

Canovas says.

The reason for this growth is due to the fact that it has managed to create a friendly, open space that offers the possibility of participating in a real and active way.

Two examples would be the democratic election of the mayoral candidate, the most transparent of those held to date, where any person could present themselves without the need for endorsements or military in any organization, and which culminated with the ratification of Cánovas with a participation of 295 people.

Or the process of preparing the government program with which we will attend the municipal elections on May 26, "Your program, Our program", in which we have opened the door to all those people who want to contribute ideas and proposals.

"During my time in charge of the Mayor's Office, we have been able to establish the foundations of the economic recovery, with great efforts and dedication, without limits of hours or days in the calendar, and we have managed to refinance all the City's financial debt. millionaire sentences, pay companies and suppliers, reduce the debt with Mancomunidad and Canales del Taibilla in more than 5 million, and a long etcetera ... The road has not been free of difficulties, as the circumstance of forming Government with a Different Political Group with which differences of opinion have existed in some very important issues such as economic measures, the development of tourism, counting on a museum in the urban area or the General Plan, an indispensable tool for the economic and social development of the municipality Therefore, we need a sufficient majority to be able to follow that path and carry out the measures with which Totana Can get ahead.

For this, the involvement and participation of many people is indispensable. "He concludes.

Source: Ganar Totana / Totana.com

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