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The Department of Youth organizes the program "Marzea Totana'2019" which includes leisure activities and free time during the next two weekends (15/03/2019)

The Department of Youth has organized the program "Marzea Totana'2019" which includes leisure activities and entertainment and youth entertainment during the next two weekends: on March 15 and 16 is held the "Algarrobo Kolectiv Music Festival" auditorium municipal "Marcos Ortiz" - and on Sunday 24 Plaza Solidaria square Balsa Vieja-.

The Councilor for Youth, Inmaculada Blázquez, thanked the associations and groups that have made possible the organization of both activities that will continue during both weekends in order to boost and expand the offer aimed at this sector of the population.

From today, a total of 15 groups will participate in the Music Festival Algarrobo Kolectiv, in the auditorium of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz", which organizes this association and which is the first activity of the cast that makes up this program. Admission is free both days, whose proceeds from the bar service will go towards the maintenance of the Social Center "La Incubator" that manages with the Association Ministers of the Air;

and organize youth, cultural and leisure promotion activities.

Plaza Solidaria, March 24

The activity of the Plaza Solidaria will be held on the following Sunday, March 24, in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., respectively;

and throughout the day the Solidarity Market will be held and entertainment and popular games will be offered.

In it, graffiti exhibitions will take place;

gardening workshops, children's painting, decoration of ecological bags, salt crafts, tattoos and magic activities, among others.

The Plaza Solidaria has the collaboration of associations such as Social Security, Ministers of the Air, El Candil Collective, Poni Club Los Almendros, Franciscan Youth and Mucia Acoge.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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