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The research baccalaureate will arrive next year at IES Prado Mayor de Totana (14/03/2019)

Last March 4, Juana Mulero, General Director of Educational Planning and Human Resources, and Francisco José Martínez Casanova, General Director of Attention to Diversity and Educational Quality, visited the center that will implement this new modality.

The research Baccalaureate will arrive next year at the IES Prado Mayor de Totana.

The deadline for submission of applications for this baccalaureate ends tomorrow March 15.

The Baccalaureate of Investigation considers, in the frame of this educative stage, like a specific program of curricular specialization whose objective is to facilitate an independent learning and a systematic use of the methods of investigation.

The students can take it from any of the modalities of Baccalaureate (Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences or Arts) and have the integration of work methods close to the university dynamics, which allow to elaborate, expose and argue in a reasoned way research projects , aspect that is specified in the presentation, in the second year, of a research project related to the learning of, at least, one subject, preferably of the studied modality.

The subject of free autonomous configuration Applied Research is also being studied, in the first year;

and Research Project, in the second year.

So the weekly teaching load can increase between two and four hours.

As of the 2019-20 academic year, in the Murcia Region, 24 centers will be authorized to teach the Research Baccalaureate, in addition to the 22 authorized to teach this curricular specialization, two new centers: the IES Prado Mayor, of Totana, and the IES Miguel Espinosa, from Murcia.

The students who finished the Baccalaureate in the last academic year 2017-18, after having studied this teaching with the curricular specialization in Research, have graduated with an average score of 8.6006;

being slightly higher than the average mark of the students who graduated in the rest of the baccalaureates (except the distance and night adult baccalaureate), since it was 7.4799.

This teaching offers the possibility to the students who attend it and participate in different congresses and contests;

"Congress of Junior Researchers", "IDIES Congress", "Young Researchers Contest", European Contest of Young Researchers, etc.

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports is working on the development of the Order that regulates the academic organization of the Baccalaureate of Research, with the advice of the agents involved, the directors and coordinators of the centers that teach this teaching and with the universities, so that students who take this type of Baccalaureate have incentives in higher education.

Last academic year, the Ministry of Education published the award-winning works of students who had participated in the Young Researchers Competition, and during this school year will be published the winning papers in the IX Regional Congress of Junior Researchers, held the course 2017- 18, making it possible for these students to include their first scientific publication in their personal curriculum.

Source: PP Totana

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