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The Plenary celebrates tomorrow an extraordinary and urgent session to formalize the loan operation in the area of ​​the Ordination Funds (13/03/2019)

The Plenary Session of the City of Totana celebrates tomorrow an extraordinary and urgent session to formalize the loan operation in the area of ​​the Funds of Ordination, 7:45 pm, before the need to comply with the deadlines and the processing of mere administrative formality.

The agenda includes two proposals from the Mayor's Office, including the purpose of formalizing the loan operation within the scope of the Ordinance Fund of article 39.1 A and B of Royal Decree 17/2014 of December 26 financial sustainability of the autonomous communities and local entities charged to the Fund for the needs of 2019.

In addition, another proposal of the Mayor's Office is included to extend the term of the actions regarding the Tax on the Increase in Value of the Urban Land agreed in full on September 27, 2018.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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