The Local Government Board has recently approved the proposal of the Department of Sports to sign a collaboration agreement with the Sports Club Kuore de Totana for the transfer of several tennis courts in the facilities of the Sports City "Valverde Reina" of this location.
The City Council and the aforementioned sports club have been collaborating for years in the realization of sporting events and the development of sports and federated schools that take place in this municipality.
Specifically, tennis courts 2 and 3 of clay and 4 and 5 fast for the development of their activities, under the coordination and supervision of the Department, in terms of hours and days of use will be transferred.
The facilities can not be used for any type of activity that is not school or federated, and may not be transferred to third parties or the development of activities of other associations or groups without the express consent of the City Council.
The club will be obliged to accompany its underage partners and at all times be with them in the locker rooms or sports facilities, so that the concierge-responsible for the facilities will have the power to prevent the use of the same by prohibiting entry to the tracks without a monitor.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana