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This Saturday the parade of the IV Regional Carnival Contest with the participation of Peñas de Totana (07/03/2019)

The Federation of Peñas del Carnaval celebrates this Saturday, March 9, at 4:30 p.m., the IV Regional Carnival Contest with the participation of Peñas de Totana, and the collaboration of the Department of Culture.

The parade will depart from Calle Alberto Gray Peinado (next to the auditorium of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz") and will travel the streets Ángel de Novelé, Juan de la Cierva Square, Juan XXIII, San Antonio, Puente, Plaza del Constitución and will end at the General Aznar street.

The rocks of Totana Carnival are Paper Dreams, Eclipse, Golfos, Gertrudis, Pistonazo, Pinchos, Chapas, Olé, Tiara, Alegría, Los Cachondos, Esencia, Almíbar, Olimpo, I tell you dancing and Sapphire;

They will also be accompanied by the Musa and Don Carnal children.

In addition, the regional clubs are Kissamba, Guayaba, School Baile Ana Ruiz, Beaches of Percheles, Dakarais, Salsala, Media Luna, Ballet Alejandro Corbalán and Aporue.

At the end of the parade, at midnight, the traditional Carnival Festival will take place with the awards ceremony and the showcase competition, with the performance of local clubs, at the Carnavalera Tent of the municipal auditorium "Marcos Ortiz".

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Fotos: Murcia.com

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