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Totana City Council announces an act of remembrance next 11-M to "say no to any type of terrorist violence" (06/03/2019)

Totana City Council will join the initiative of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) to convene an act of remembrance next Monday, March 11, to "say no to any type of violence", according to the notification made by this institution to all local entities.

The institutional initiative will be held next 11-M, at 11:00 am, at the door of the Totanero Consistory, in the Plaza de la Constitución, where a symbolic minute of silence will be kept.

The president of the FEMP, Abel Caballero, points out that this act and other complementary actions, "will be the clearest manifestation of the fact that the local governments, those who are on the street with the citizens, say no to any type of violence terrorist".

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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