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The opening of the Municipal Archive service is enabled on Thursday mornings, two and a half hours, until the incorporation of the titular official (04/03/2019)

The councils of Human Resources and Municipal File of the City council of Totana have agreed the opening of the service of the Municipal File every Thursday morning, during two and a half hours, concretely, from 12:00 to 14:30 hours, until the incorporation of the holder of the position, who is in a situation of work incapacity.

This service currently only has a career officer qualified for the performance and custody of it;

so before the demands of researchers, historians and students has been specified the provision of the same with a precise schedule that allows its use.

A resolution of the Mayor's office includes delegating, temporarily, the functions consisting of loans of documents to the municipal offices and the attention to the investigators corresponding to the municipal archivist.

This task has been temporarily delegated to an official, teacher of Early Childhood Education, until the incorporation of the holder of the position, with the aforementioned schedule.

As stated in the current legislation of the Law on the Basic Statute of Public Employees, "when the needs of the service so require, jobs may be filled through redistribution of personnel".

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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