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The corporate profile of Totana City Council in the social network Twitter enters the TOP-10 of the most widespread and most influential local entities of the Region of Murcia (27/02/2019)

The corporate profile of the Totana City Council in the social network Twitter @AyuntTotana has entered, for the first time since its configuration, into the TOP-10 of profiles with more diffusion and influential of mayors and local entities of the Region of Murcia.

The Municipal Communication Office created this profile in February 2012 on an experimental basis, although it began to be used with continuity and vocation of public service for now more than two years.

For the first time, the prestigious barometer and analytical meter "Barómetro Alcaldes", which manages the measurement of the profiles of mayors and town halls in Spain, this week included the institutional profile of the totanero Consistory among the ten most important in the Region of Murcia.

In the last year and a half, the profile has gone from 114 followers to 1,490 mostly users outside the municipality of Totana, in which time 4,330 tweets have been recorded related to local information generated by the municipal institution.

Ahead of the profile of Totana are the mayors of Archena, Murcia and Molina de Segura and their respective town halls;

and the consistories of Águilas, Alcantarilla, Cartagena, Lorca, Torre Pacheco and Caravaca, in this order, which have been working municipal information on this social network for many years.

In the last months the rates have interacted and the impressions have multiplied ostensibly (4,285 during the last week).

The importance of the Internet as a means of relationship and communication with citizens has remained, to this day, beyond doubt.

The large volume of users, and the relevance acquired by social networks as concrete tools, made it necessary to articulate the precise instruments so that the Totana City Council had an effective and safe presence for the citizen in said media (Facebook and Twitter profiles).

These are ideal tools to inform about news about new services and programs, to reference diverse information (of agenda, emergencies, new publications, municipal agreements, events, events, etc.), but it is also a tool to dialogue and collaborate interacting with users to solve their needs and concerns, encouraging communication and interaction with neighbors.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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