The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has opened the process of admission to general education courses for the 2019/2020 academic year, which will take place between March 4 and 15, for students who will apply for a school place in schools. public institutes and in concerted centers.
The Autonomous Community plans to exceed 30,000 applications for the next school year, of which 14,500 will correspond to the first year of Infant Education (3 years), when families choose the center to start schooling their children throughout the Region.
For the next academic year, 17,300 school places are offered for three-year-olds (first year of the second cycle of Nursery), 22,000 places for the first year of ESO and 13,300 places for the first year of Bachillerato.
The total number of public and private centers that offer places and that participate in the process of admission of students is 630.
The procedure supports and facilitates the freedom of choice of parents to choose the educational center of their children.
The whole process is carried out in direct contact and constant dialogue with the directors of the teaching centers.
The applications are processed by the centers chosen by the parents as the first option and are centralized in a single regional system for awarding students according to the score scale, reports the Department of Education.
The raffle of letters of last name of tiebrake of punctuation will realize the next 1 of March, before the beginning of the process of admission, so that the families know it before making their request.
Next, between the 4th and the 15th of March the families can present the application forms in the center of their preference, or through the web of electronic administration of the Autonomous Community, so much for Infant, Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate .
Applicants may opt for four communication channels to receive the results of the different scale and award processes: through the website of the Ministry of Education, by SMS, by email or through the mobile messaging application Telegram.
In this way, those who authorize it in the application, at the same time that the centers publish the corresponding lists, will access the information through the communication channel that is most comfortable for them.
The admission process was advanced one month two years ago in the Region (from April to March), which benefits families and schools and allows to organize with more time the start of the next course.
Later, in the infant schools (0 to 3 years) the provisional lists will be published on May 10 and June 4 the definitive ones;
In Primary and Primary Education schools on May 10 the provisional lists will be announced and on June 5 the definitive ones, and in the ESO and Bachillerato centers on June 4 the provisional lists will be published and on July 3 the final ones will be published.
In all cases, once awarded to your final center, there will be three days to complete the registration of the student.
The scoring scale is maintained with respect to the last course.
All parents can freely choose any school or institute in their municipality, since since the last school year the single school zone has been extended to all the municipalities of the Community.
Includes five points per home or place of work in the school zone, which will be assigned to all families requesting a school in their municipality, regardless of the neighborhood or district in which they reside.
For their part, the participating centers of the second cycle of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education may choose a complementary criterion, with a point value, from among five different options.
These are, among others, to request the center as a first option, to have siblings enrolled in the center, area of ​​proximity of the student's home or place of work of the parents with respect to the center, to have completed a previous educational stage in the center or to be son or brother of former student.
As a novelty, this year the institutes that follow the bilingual program 'British Council' may give a point to students who already attend this program in school, so as to ensure its continuity.
To facilitate the reconciliation of professional and family life, the scale includes a series of measures such as granting 10 points for having a sibling in the same center and two for each of the following.
In addition, with the new scale, additional points are awarded to large families: one for a large general family (three children) and two for the special category (more than three children).
Likewise, single-parent families will have two points.
Likewise, the criterion of family income, students with disabilities and parents or siblings with disabilities will be taken into account.
All the information of the process, together with the corresponding documentation, will be published in the section 'Admission of students' of the Educarm portal (
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana