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II Gala Cope Espuña, a joy for Totana (22/02/2019)

Official Chronicler of the City of Totana |

Last night the II Gala Cope Espuña was held in Totana.

In that act we were offered the possibility of knowing part of the precious human potential that bustles among the people of the municipality.

An evening of impeccable development, careful execution, with a scrupulous staging, in which the theme of the presenters, Paco Espadas and Lali Cánovas helped to taste and feel proud of the creative, human, entrepreneurial capacity ... of the neighbors of this earth.

All a success of which we must recognize the effort of this means of communication that, with the endorsement of numerous sponsors, helps us every day to discover many facets through the slings.

Regardless of the magnificence that, in its configuration and development, involved the event, it breathed an atmosphere of vital energy by offering us the opportunity to deepen, visualize and publicize the work of concrete totaneros and totaneras that throughout 2018 They have contributed the best of themselves to make our community a space of understanding, encounter, coexistence and culture, a space for improvement and effort.

Thank you for helping us to appreciate the greatness that characterizes Totana and that, too many times, even wanting it in fullness, we do not appreciate in all its extension, because a certain shyness prevents us from proclaiming the dimension of its identity, the dignity that moves the heart of its children.

Tasting that beautiful time, accompanying you in the vibration of such an emotional proclamation, has been a superb gift.

Enjoy internalizing the excellent quality of the winners, the depth of their courage, the wise work of their actions, as well as the determination of their efforts, efforts and abilities, has helped us to renew our love for this city that welcomes us, to the trajectory of a people that knows how to grow, strengthen their heart in adversity and, always, always, reach out, live joy, transmit convictions.

Congratulate each and every one of the honored is not an exercise in education but a moral obligation, affirmation and gratitude towards the immensity of so much nobility.

Courage to continue in your work, because in these times that create confusions and anguish so many times we need proof, reference, light and the witness of people like you, because in those who have been laureates, in the plot that is contemplates, we feel that life springs, that fluidity germinates with certainty, that the loyalty and constructive capacity of the human being is greater than the nonsense that we sometimes commit.

Throughout the ceremony the memory, the value and the imprint of Ginés Rosa occupied the hearts of those present, enveloping our feelings of gratitude towards their person, towards the legacy of their work, of their complete dedication to the city that He was born and loved intensely.

From the admiration, the respect and the affection, rests in peace Ginés Rosa.

See photos and video:


Source: JCM / Fotos: Totana.com

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