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Completion of the renovation works of the network and sewage connections in the Callejón de la Calle Valle del Guadalentín and the Extremadura road (14/02/2019)

The Department of Water and Sewerage of the City of Totana has completed this week the works of the project of renewal of the network and connections of sewage in the Callejón of the Valle del Guadalentín street and Extremadura street, according to sources of this municipal department.

In the last few days, the asphalt paving works of the two streets have been completed in the absence of small auctions for the total completion and reception of the works.

The asphalting works of both roads have been undertaken at the same time and hardly any of the painting work of the horizontal signage of specific spaces, according to the same sources.

The works, which initially started on Extremadura Street, had a deadline of two months;

and they have been executed by the mercantile "Forum San Patricio, SA", with registered office in Murcia, and with an allocation budget of 33,877.88 euros.

The councilor Antonia Camacho has shown her satisfaction for the completion of these actions, with which she responds to numerous families who had been having problems in this service in recent years;

and he has ensured that, to the extent of his department's possibilities, they will continue working to gradually solve the most necessary deficits of the sewerage network.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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