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The agenda of the "Reading Club 2018/19" program continues with the analysis and reading of a work every month until June (06/02/2019)

The Department of Culture, through the Municipal Library "Mateo García", continues with the programming of the "Club de Lectura 2018/19", with the analysis and reading of a work each month by reference authors.

Precisely, this month the program continues, on February 26 (7:30 pm), with the work of the South African writer JM Coetzee entitled "The Iron Age".

During each month, since last September and until next June, the Municipal Library of Totana schedules a series of readings, with a title and predetermined schedule in order that the readers debate in each meeting about what they have read, such like the literary style, the action, the characters, and so on.

Normally, people who are fond of reading share their experience and impressions with other fans, so that each reader does it at home and they set a date and place to meet with other readers to comment on the progress and details of reading. of the proposed works.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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