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They entrust to the mercantile CEDETO, SL the Service of Conserjería and Notifications of the City council of Totana until the 31 of January of the year 2020 (05/02/2019)

The Local Government Board has approved the proposal of the council of Finance and Contracting, Ana María Cánovas, to entrust the CEDETO, SL, as its own means, the service of Conserjería, Notifications and Others and the Notifications and other municipal documents, to be lent from this February 1 to January 31 of the year 2020.

The total amount of the commission for the provision of all these services included in this proposal amounts to 312,453.69 euros for the time indicated above.

This initiative is carried out considering that the City Council needs to continue carrying out these services, lacking the necessary human resources to carry them out;

and existing budgetary limitation according to the current legislation, the extension of the municipal staff does not proceed.

The proposal reflects that this is the best option to provide these services with this company, since it is a Special Employment Center, one hundred percent municipal capital.

The Concierge service includes those of Town Council assistants, janitors in schools, janitors in social or municipal property, drivers and service assistants, ORA controllers and punctual services.

In addition, it includes the service of notifications and others referred to the notifications of brochures and corporate signage of the City of Totana, related to the departments of Culture, Celebrations, Youth and Citizen Participation, to give printed dissemination to programs such as Carnival, Easter , Cultural Totana, Summer Totana, "La Cárcel" Training, Christmas and Kings, citizen consultations, among others.

In the same way, the notification service of Municipal Documents of official character is collected.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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